Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Make Decisions In Prayer

Make Decisions In Prayer

“It was at this time He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.”  Luke 6:12

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5

            In life we have many forks in the road and big choices that we will have to make.  Sometimes those choices can be hard and have far reaching consequences.  Many a time, though we have all probably made these decisions without prayer or only a short prayer, to seek guidance of the Lord.  Yet, Jesus set an example for us in how he made decisions. We should seek to follow that in our lives.  Even though Jesus was fully God, He was also fully man and being in that form spent many a time in prayer before making any big decisions.  Let’s examine one case of this from Luke chapter 6.
            Jesus has come to the point in His ministry that He needs to appoint apostles to train, to later build His Church.  At this point opposition has been growing to His ministry that will climax with Jesus being crucified and so this was not a decision to be taken lightly.  He felt it was time to get the guidance of the Father in the selection of the 12 Apostles and the future of the church.  Are you coming up on some big decisions in your life?  Do you plan to seek wisdom from God?
            Prayer, as it has been pointed out, was a big part in the decisions of Jesus.  It was not just here, but has been seen elsewhere in the life of Jesus. (Lk. 3;21; 5:16; 9:18, 28, 29; 11:1; 22:32, 40-46).  In Jesus’ example here, we can see some important things to add to our prayer time.  Jesus withdrew to a desolate, lonely place to pray.  This was a place that He could have uninterrupted communication with God.  In Matthew 6:6, Jesus teaches us to pray in secret and here we see that is what Jesus did.  We need a place of prayer where we can go, that it is just us and the Father, where we are free from distraction and we can just focus on the Lord.  We all need to find that place we can pray.
            Prayer time is as long as it needs to be.  For Jesus this decision was not something to be made by a short prayer.  Here he prayed all night long.  As a young Christian I was amazed at people who could pray that long.  I was puzzled about the scriptures that said to pray without ceasing (1Thes. 5:17).  When you grow in Christ you will see, as I have, more what this passage means. In relation to Christ’s example here, we need to pray about our decisions as long as it takes to get the peace and wisdom about the choices we need to make.
            Wisdom in making hard decisions will come when we ask for it.  James the brother of Jesus taught, through the Holy Spirit, that when we lack wisdom we need to ask God for it.  God will give wisdom generously without holding it back when we ask it in faith.  Jesus told us that with faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains (Lk 17:6).  Why then don’t we seek that wisdom when we make difficult decisions?  Even more important what about all decisions?  We know that God’s wisdom is greater than ours and yet often we don’t seek that great wisdom.  Jesus was fully God and He still went to the Father for wisdom.
            It is okay to admit to God if we don’t know how to pray.  When we do ask Him to teach us how to pray and look to scripture for the answers on how to pray.  It is so important to pray.  God wants us to talk to Him!  He is our Father and He loves to hear from His Children.  Just like if we have good earthly parents we seek advice from them, we need to seek it from our Heavenly father.  Don’t forget just how much He loves you and will answer your prayers and sometimes we need to seek out that wisdom and not do just do it in passing.  Like with any person we might need to go through the whole decision process with Him.  That does take time, but doing so will strengthen your walk with God and your wisdom from the Father will grow.  Jesus Loves to hear from His people!

All Scriptures are from The New American Standard Bible, copyright 1996 by the Lockman Foundation; La Habra, CA

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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