Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Kingdom Prayers

Kingdom Prayers

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10

“He who testifies to these things say, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”  Revelation 22:20

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…” Psalm 122:6

            We are looking at the example of prayer the Lord Jesus gave us as He taught us to pray.  The next part is to pray for the Kingdom to come.  This phrase I think is skipped by many, I would guess, because we don’t fully understand what Jesus is teaching us here.  When we come to something we don’t understand we should dig in and find out what it means, because it could be important, and we might miss something that could change our lives.  “Your Kingdom come” is one of those things that is important, and we need to examine what Jesus means by this.
            Jesus’ message was, “the kingdom of God is at hand.” (Mat. 3:2; 4:7) Jesus is the rightful king of the nation of Israel!  He is the only one to sit on the throne of David.  Anytime Christ is walking on the earth, then the Kingdom of God is at hand.  With that knowledge, when Jesus is teaching the apostles and those around Him to pray, it would make sense that He would say pray that the Kingdom would come!  We celebrated Palm Sunday or the “Triumphal Entry”, that is when Jesus entered Jerusalem as the King (Mat. 21:1-11).  We do know though, He was rejected by the people as the king.
            Even though Jesus was rejected by the people and crucified, we know that He rose again, and so the King lives (Mat. 28:1-7; John 20:11-18).  Although Jesus went to be with the father and to prepare a place for us, He will be back for us (John 14:2-3).  Jesus will someday not just come back for us, but will also rule over His kingdom here on earth (Rev. 20:4-6).  This will be exciting times for all the earth and is yet to come.
            This as we know is not our home and is full of pain, suffering and evil.  As a believer we know that Jesus is coming back, so we can pray that He would come back and come back soon.  There are more than 63 scriptures about the kingdom of God coming, and so it is an important part of our prayer life.  It should affect even how we pray for others as well.  We don’t want our friends to miss the kingdom, so we need to pray that they come to know Jesus.  For those suffering we need to pray for them in light of the kingdom to come as well.
            The last scripture I have listed above says to pray for Jerusalem.  Israel will be the center and place of Christ earthly kingdom (Rev. 20).  Even though we know that the Jewish people are back in their land we know that peace has not yet happened there.  Where the great temple of the LORD was in the city, there is a Muslim mosque.  The only part left of the great temple is a wall called the Wailing Wall.  The Jewish people want their temple back and they will in the end, when Christ comes back to rule.  For this to take place there will need to be peace in that city.  When praying for the kingdom to come, we need to pray for peace in the city of God.
            This is only skimming the surface of this subject on the Kingdom of God, but I hope it causes you to dig deeper into this subject.  Adrian Rodgers gives us a few things to think about on this subject of praying thy kingdom come.  He says  we are to learn of His coming, long for that day to come, pray that it would come, and pray that there would be peace in Jerusalem that there might be peace on earth. (Rodgers)  Do you look forward to that day?  I hope so.
Come, Lord Jesus!


Rodgers, Adrian. 2018. 10 April 2018.

All Scripture from The New American Standard Bible, copyright 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA

Photo by Thomas Carter

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